Turnstone have unveiled a new look design for their exciting proposals to bring a state of the art 11 screen Empire Cinema with IMAX to Seaway Leisure on the site of the underused Seaway Car Park at Lucy Road, Southend.

Over the summer, Turnstone have worked closely with Historic England, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council officers and landscape specialists to respond to extensive consultation feedback and evolve the design of the scheme. After addressing comments raised by consultees such as Historic England, the revised designs have now been provided to Southend-on-Sea Borough Council.

Alongside a state-of-the-art Empire Cinema, Seaway Leisure will also deliver a 20 lane Hollywood Bowl, an 80 room Travelodge Hotel, restaurants and a new public square with landscaping. The proposal for a new 555 space surface and multi-storey car park, with parking studies showing 2,000 spare spaces in neighbouring car parks, also means that if the plans are approved there will still be ample parking in Southend town centre.

In evolving the scheme, rigorous tests of Seaway Leisure’s potential to turbo-charge the local economy showed again that Turnstone’s £50 million investment is expected to generate an additional £15 million to the local economy every year and create up to 550 new jobs adding value for the whole community.

The Council has had a long-standing vision to redevelop the site to contribute to leisure, culture and tourism in central Southend as set out in the Southend Central Area Action Plan 2018.  Turnstone Estates hope to receive a decision from the Council on their £50 million proposal before the end of this year, in line with the Council’s roadmap to 2050. 

Tim Deacon, Director at Turnstone Estates said: “We’re committed to making sure Seaway Leisure delivers the best regeneration possible for Southend. That’s why we’ve continued to work closely with Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and key stakeholders to respond to feedback and rigorously assess every aspect of our proposal.

“We’re excited to bring forward our vision for a £50 million investment to turbo charge the local economy and deliver a year-round family friendly leisure facility for everyone in the borough to enjoy that will help make sure the future is bright for Southend town centre.